
The BABY1000 Study is a pilot prospective longitudinal birth cohort study that aims to identify factors before and during pregnancy that may impact on the offspring’s  future health and disease risk.


Study name  Before, during And Beyond the baby Years; the influence of the first 1,000 days 
Study abbreviation  BABY1000
Current principal investigator/s  Professor Adrienne Gordon
Current project manager Dr Marjan Mosalman Haghighi, Dr Nathalie Kizirian
Cohort representative (study contact) Professor Adrienne Gordon
Primary Institution Charles Perkins Centre, The University of Sydney
Study website
Study focus To identify the modifiable risks and interventions prior to, and during pregnancy that impact on later life health, particularly focused on the intergenerational cycle of obesity and diabetes.
Sampling frame Women recruited at preconception or in early pregnancy with longitudinal follow-up until the infant is 2 years of age. Participants are based in Sydney, Australia and recruited from a single site.
Year commenced  2017
Commencement sample Recruitment completed
Intergenerational? Yes
Imaging Yes
Linkage Yes
Biosamples? Yes


Wave Year Age (mean, range) Eligible sample
1  Started in 2017 Preconception Recruitment and data collection completed
2  Started in 2017 Pregnancy Recruitment and data collection completed
3  2018 – ongoing Infancy (birth to 2 years of age) Data collection in progress