
Fewer than ten percent of Australians eat according to the dietary guidelines. The Healthy Parents, Healthy Kids study is a randomised controlled trial investigating the efficacy of an educational dietary program, delivered throughout the third trimester, in influencing gut microbiota and other biological parameters thought to be related to the risk for mental and neurodevelopmental disorders in children. Assessments will include whether the program is deemed as being helpful to mothers and whether there are any benefits to aspects of mothers’ health (both physical and mental) as well as of their baby’s health after birth, including gut microbiota diversity.


Study name  The Healthy Parents, Healthy Kids Study
Current principal investigator/s A/Prof Felice Jacka, A/Prof Jeffrey Craig, Prof Mimi Tang, Dr Gerard Clarke, Dr Penny Sheehan, Samantha Dawson (PhD Candidate)
Postal address HPHK project team
Murdoch Childrens Research Institute
50 Flemington Road
Parkville VIC 3052
Phone  +61 3 9936 6291
Primary Institution  Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and Deakin University
Study website
Study focus To assess the efficacy of an educational dietary program, delivered throughout the third trimester, in influencing gut microbiota and other biological parameters thought to be related to the risk for mental and neurodevelopmental disorders in children.
Sampling frame Mothers living in Melbourne, Australia, enrolling during the recruitment period will be included if they do not meet any of the exclusion criteria and are approaching week 28 of their pregnancy (third trimester) at the time of enrolment.
Commencement sample 90 dyads
Intergenerational?  Yes
Imaging No
Linkage No
Biosamples? Yes


Wave Year Age (mean, range) Eligible sample
1 Recruitment closed >18 weeks TBC
2 Recruitment closed 4 weeks TBC