
The ORIGINS Project is a longitudinal birth cohort study, designed to collect detailed information about how early environment influences the risk of a broad range of non-communicable diseases, including asthma, allergies, diabetes, obesity and its many complications. We recruit pregnant women and their partner early in pregnancy and data is collected on their health, diet, physical activity patterns and a range of factors in their environment. These early life exposures will be assessed on how they influence the children’s growth, development, and health (including neurodevelopment, evidence of allergies, infections, and other medical history). Children are followed up until they turn 5 years of age. ‘Active’ participants are followed up at numerous timepoints, and ‘non-active’ participants provide access to routinely collected hospital data.


Study name  The ORIGINS Project
Study abbreviation ORIGINS
Current principal investigator/s  Susan Prescott and Desiree Silva
Phone  +61 8 9408 3118
Primary Institution  Telethon Kids Institute
Major funding sources  Ramsay Health Care, NHMRC Project grant, Telethon Perth Children’s Hospital Research Fund (2), Telethon Kids Institute, WA DoH Merit Fellowship
Study website
Study focus  To create a platform based upon a large databank and biobank for clinical intervention trials, nested studies, data analyses, etc. Each sub-study will require separate approval from the ORIGINS Scientific Committee and Biobank Governance Committee and then from the JHC HREC
Sampling frame  Families intending to deliver at the Joondalup Health Campus (public and private), Western Australia
Year commenced  2016
Commencement sample TBC
Intergenerational? Yes
Imaging Yes 
Linkage Yes 
Biosamples? Yes 


Wave Year Age (mean, range) Eligible sample
Pregnancy 2017 – 2023 10-24 wks, 36 wks Active participants: Finished recruitment
Pregnancy 2017 – 2027 10-24 wks, 36 wks Non-active participants: Currently recruiting
Infancy & Childhood 2017 – 2027 Birth, 2m, 6m, 1y, 3y, 5y. Currently following-up