
The Peel Child Health Study is exploring the health and development of families in the Peel region, Western Australia. We know that early development from conception to age 5 establishes the foundation for learning, behaviour and health throughout life but there is a lot more we can learn about the influence that family and community has on children. The Peel Child Health Study will answer questions surrounding everyday life and the different stressors involved and how that can impact upon child health and development. The study will focus on the community, environment, biological, social and emotional factors of families living in the peel region.


Study name  Peel Child Health Study 
Study abbreviation  PCHS
Current principal investigator/s Dr Garth Kendall, Dr Peter Franklin
Current project managers  Dr Garth Kendall (for ARACY communication), Dr Fatch Kalembo
Postal address  PO Box U1987, Perth, Western Australia 6845 (for ARACY communication)
Phone  +61 8 9266 2191
Primary Institution  Curtin University
Collaborating Institution/s  Curtin University, Telethon Kids Institute, The University of Western Australia
Major funding sources  ARC, NHMRC, SJOG Healthcare, Asthma Foundataion, various Commonwealth and State Government Departments
Are data available outside study team?  In collaboration with Principal Investigators
Study focus  Maternal stress and environmental exposures during early development establish the foundation for learning, behaviour and health throughout life – biological embedding.
Sampling frame  The Peel region in Western Australia, comprising of five shires; Mandurah, Waroona, Boddington, Serpentine Jarrahdale and Murray.
Year commenced  2008
Commencement sample 490 
Intergenerational?  Yes, pregnancy cohort – parents and children
Imaging  Pregnancy ultrasound 18wks, 26wks, 34wks 
Linkage  NA
Biosamples? No longer available.  
Ethics approvals or requirements?  Murdoch University HREC, Curtin University HREC


Wave Year Age (mean, range) Eligible sample
1  2008-2011 18 weeks pregnancy 490
2    26 weeks pregnancy 442
3    34 weeks pregnancy 424
4  2008-2012 Birth 423
5  2008-2013 4 months 413
6  2009-2014 1 year  353