
Ten to Men: The Australian Longitudinal Study on Male Health (TTM) is a nationally representative, longitudinal study investigating the health and wellbeing of males in Australia. Funded by the Department of Health and Aged Care, TTM investigates five broad research themes: physical health; social and environmental determinants of health; health-related behaviours; mental health and wellbeing; and health services and knowledge. TTM includes 4 waves of data collection (2012-2022). A sample top-up is being conducted in 2023-2024.


Study name Ten to Men: The Australian Longitudinal Study on Male Health
Study abbreviation  TTM
Current principal investigator/s Sean Martin
Postal address Level 4, 40 City Rd, Southbank VIC 3006
Phone (03) 9214 7888
Primary Institution Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS)
Collaborating Institution/s TTM is conducted by AIFS in collaboration with Social Research Centre (SRC) as fieldwork providers. 
Major funding sources TTM is funded by Department of Health and Aged Care.
Study website
Are data available outside study team? Yes, TTM data are available to research projects that are scientifically and ethically sound and contribute to the knowledge base on male health. Researchers (including post-graduate students) affiliated with a university, recognised research institute or government department are eligible to apply to access and use TTM data. Individuals affiliated with a non-government organisation are also eligible to apply, access and use TTM data.
Study focus TTM’s study focus is guided by and seeks to address the priority areas of the National Men’s Health Strategy 2020–2030. Wave 1 of TTM investigated five broad research themes in relation to Australian males: physical health; social and environmental determinants of health; health-related behaviours; mental health and wellbeing; and health services use and knowledge. Many measures are repeated across the waves. Key content themes of TTM include healthy ageing, men and parenting, men and family violence, men and health services, men’s mental health and risky behaviours.
Sampling frame TTM uses a stratified, multi-stage & cluster design. Stratification was based on remoteness areas and sampling units were based on SA1s. Eligible participants were required to be male participants from private residences, aged between 10-55 years. Wave 1 data was collected between October 2013 and July 2014 from Australian males in three separate age groups: boys aged 10-14 years; young males aged 15-17 years, and adult males from 18-55 years.
Year commenced 2013- Ongoing. Waves 1-4 are complete. TTM is currently conducting a sample top up to increase the sample by 10,000.  Top-up participant will join the existing sample at Wave 5.
Commencement sample 16,021 participants completed Wave 1. This sample included 1,099 boys aged 10-14, 1,026 young men aged 15-17 and 13,896 adult males aged 18-55.
Intergenerational? No
Imaging No
Linkage Consented Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).
Biosamples? No
Ethics approvals or requirements? Ethical approval has been provided by the Australian Institute of Family Studies Ethics Committee for research project 2022-05 Ten to Men: The Australian Longitudinal Study on Male Health


Wave Year Age (mean, range) Eligible sample
1 2013-2014 Mean = 32.61 (SD =13.15), Range =10-55 years old 16,021
2 2015-2016 Mean = 37.59 (SD=13.010), Range = 11-57 years old 11,936
3 2020-2021 Mean = 43.20 (SD=12.828), Range = 16-63 years old 7,919
4 2022 Mean = 45.56 (SD=12.621), Range = 18-65 years old 7,050